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Chapter Elections

Nominations for chapter leader positions are closed and will reopen Fall 2023.

SHM Chapters play an important role in SHM's nationwide organizational structure. Chapter leaders serve the dual role of managing local interests and initiatives, while also representing the constituents to the national society. There are different levels of involvement you can pursue with your local chapter, all pertaining to different activities to engage, recruit, and retain SHM members. Not sure what leadership position is best suited for you? Reach out to SHM Staff and we will help direct you and put you in touch with the existing local leadership.

Every dues-paying member is eligible to nominate colleagues or self-nominate for a chapter leadership position. Need to check your member status? Login here.

Position terms for ALL chapters begin and end in correspondence with the SHM Annual Conference. All current chapter leadership positions that are open for nominations will have terms beginning at the Chapter Leader's Summit at Converge 2023 (you are not required to be present).

For instructions on how to submit a nomination, please click here.

'My first chapter leadership role at SHM has allowed me to become a closer part of my community. I’ve found my own path of personal growth through service, mentoring, skill development, camaraderie, and friendship. Leadership in SHM is an opportunity to say "YES" and be of service to others and ultimately our patients!'

- Marina George, FHM

Chair, SHM District 6


Select your chapter to view open leadership positions for the term year beginning March 2023.




Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Advisory Board Member (3)

The Advisory Board Member works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Advisory Board Member also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Advisory Board Member is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence and attends chapter leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person. The Vice President collaborates with the President and assists with the coordination of chapter meeting dates, times, and content, assists in publicizing chapter events to local hospitalists with assistance from the national office and works with other leaders to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals. The Vice President also participates on National Chapter District calls and supports the President as needed. The Vice President automatically becomes President at the end of the Vice President term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of Vice President is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary shall assure that minutes are prepared and maintained for all meetings of the Board and the members; shall assure that appropriate notice is given for all meetings of the Board and members; and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board or by the President. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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APP Member

The APP Member works to recruit, retain, and engage Advanced Practice Providers within the chapter’s geography. The APP Member helps develop content at chapter meetings that is of value for APPs. The role of APP Member is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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Resident Liaison

The Resident Liaison identifies local residents interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of the Resident Liaison is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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Event Coordinator

The Event Coordinator assists the President and the Vice President in organizing chapter meetings and the poster competition if planned. The duties will also include participating in chapter meetings and submitting meeting notification and report forms to SHM National. The role of Event Coordinator is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter, and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans, and other chapter initiatives. The President recruits new leaders, ensures membership recruitment and retention initiatives are in place, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Rhode Island

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter, and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans, and other chapter initiatives. The President recruits new leaders, ensures membership recruitment and retention initiatives are in place, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of President-Elect is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Member-at-Large works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Member-at-Large also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Member-at-Large is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Director of Education and Content Development

The Director of Education and Content Development assists the President in determining meeting content and eliciting feedback from chapter members. The Director of Education and Content Development will complete CME documents for pertinent chapter meetings and assist in recruiting, retaining, and tracking members. The role of Director of Education and Content Development is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Western Massachusetts

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

APP Liaison

The APP Liaison identifies local APPs interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of APP Liaison is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter, and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans, and other chapter initiatives. The President recruits new leaders, ensures membership recruitment and retention initiatives are in place, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Chapter Officers

Chapter Officers work to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals to ensure the longevity of the chapter. Chapter Officers also coordinate and maintain active communication with other chapter leaders, attend leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person and attend organized chapter meetings. The role of Chapter Officer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President-Elect fulfills the responsibilities of the President when the President is unavailable or incapacitated. The President-Elect assists the President in determining the content and location sites for meetings and in interfacing with external resources regarding financial support. The President-Elect assists the Director of Membership in recruiting, retaining, and tracking members, and in identifying residents with interests in hospital medicine to engage in membership. The President-Elect automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of the President-Elect is a 1-year, non-renewable term, followed by 2 subsequent 1-year terms as President and then as Immediate Past President.

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The Secretary/Treasurer assists the Director of Membership in recruiting, retaining, and tracking members, submits a meeting report form after each meeting to the National Office and oversees content and updates of the chapter’s HMX community. The Secretary/Treasurer works with the National Office to maintain chapter financial records and interfaces with external resources regarding financial support for meetings. The Secretary/Treasurer also helps determine the location for meeting sites. The role of the Secretary/Treasurer is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Director of Membership

The Director of Membership reviews chapter membership rosters and meeting attendee lists to recruit, retain, and engage members. The Director of Membership identifies new hospitalists and hospital medicine programs within the chapter’s geographic region and submits this information to the SHM National Office. The Director of Membership identifies residents with an interest in hospital medicine to engage in the membership, formulates and implements plans to recruit new meeting attendees and manages attendee check-in at each meeting. The role of the Director of Membership is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans and other chapter initiatives. The President also recruits new members for the chapter, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of President is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary/Treasurer assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community and assists in determining meeting content. The Secretary/Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors, works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary/Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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North Jersey

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of President-Elect is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary/Treasurer assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community and assists in determining meeting content. The Secretary/Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors, works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary/Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Director of Membership

The Director of Membership reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Director of Membership will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Director of Membership works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Director of Membership is a 2-year, renewable term.

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NP/PA Liaison

The NP/PA Liaison identifies local nurse practitioners and physician assistants interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of NP/PA Liaison is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Advisory Board Member (2)

The Advisory Board Member works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Advisory Board Member also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Advisory Board Member is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

APP Advisor to the Board

The APP Advisor to the Board works to recruit, retain, and engage Advanced Practice Providers within the chapter’s geography. The APP Advisor to the Board helps develop content at chapter meetings that is of value for APPs. The role of APP Advisor to the Board is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Advisory Board Member

The Advisory Board Member works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Advisory Board Member also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Advisory Board Member is a 2-year, renewable term.

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South Central PA

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter, and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans, and other chapter initiatives. The President recruits new leaders, ensures membership recruitment and retention initiatives are in place, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Academic Chairperson

The Academic Chairperson coordinates with regional training programs to involve residents in chapter activities and meetings, facilitates resident and medical student involvement in regional and national membership and meetings, and assists other executive members in selecting content and identifying speakers for meetings. The role of Academic Chairperson is a 2-year, renewable term.

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APP Lead

The APP Lead works to recruit, retain, and engage Advanced Practice Providers within the chapter’s geography. The APP Lead helps develop content at chapter meetings that is of value for APPs. The role of APP Lead is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Advisory Board Member

The Advisory Board Member works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Advisory Board Member also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Advisory Board Member is a 2-year, renewable term.

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West Virginia

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Student Representative

The Student Representative identifies local students interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of Student Representative is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Resident Representative

The Resident Representative identifies local residents interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of Resident Representative is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Practice Administrator Representative

The Practice Administrator Representative identifies local practice administrators interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of Practice Administrator Representative is a 2-year, renewable term.

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APP Representative

The APP Representative identifies local APPs interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of APP Representative is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Blue Ridge

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of President-Elect is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary/Treasurer assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community and assists in determining meeting content. The Secretary/Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors, works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary/Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Director of Membership

The Director of Membership reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Director of Membership will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Director of Membership works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Director of Membership is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Resident/Student Liaison

The Resident/Student Liaison identifies local residents and students interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of Resident/Student Liaison is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Charlotte Metro Area

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 3-year, renewable term.

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Marketing Director

The Marketing Director is responsible for directing all of the chapter's marketing activities in accordance to SHM guidelines and in conjunction with SHM National efforts. Starting with providing guidance to our chapter's marketing needs by analyzing and developing marketing strategies, planning and coordinating marketing efforts, communicating the marketing plans to those involved, and building awareness and positioning for our chapter's events. In addition to helping promote forthcoming events, the Marketing Director will be responsible for maintaining the chapter's quarterly newsletter and managing all aspects of the social media marketing efforts. The role of Marketing Director is a 3-year, renewable term.

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Membership Coordinator

The Membership Coordinator is responsible for acting as a point of contact between our chapter and its individual members. Their goal is to increase the total number of members while at the same time guaranteeing the satisfaction of those who are already a part of the chapter. In addition to this, it is their duty to maintain membership data with SHM National, provide answers to inquiries and requests for information, and devise activities to ensure continuous communication. In addition, they provide assistance in re-establishing communication with former members whose subscriptions have lapsed in the hope of convincing them to resume their membership with SHM. The role of Membership Coordinator is a 3-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter, and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans, and other chapter initiatives. The President recruits new leaders, ensures membership recruitment and retention initiatives are in place, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the Vice President’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term.The role of Vice President is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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Advisory Board Member (2)

The Advisory Board Member works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Advisory Board Member also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Advisory Board Member is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter, and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans, and other chapter initiatives. The President recruits new leaders, ensures membership recruitment and retention initiatives are in place, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of President-Elect is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Membership Director

The Membership Director reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Membership Director will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Membership Director works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Membership Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Pediatrics Representative

The Pediatrics Representative identifies local pediatric hospitalists and engages them in the chapter. The role of Pediatrics Representative is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Student Representative

The Student Representative identifies local students interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of Student Representative is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Resident Representative

The Resident Representative identifies local residents interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of Resident Representative is a 1-year, renewable term.

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NP/PA Representative

The NP/PA Representative identifies local nurse practitioners and physician assistants interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of NP/PA Representative is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Middle Tennessee

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Membership Coordinator

The Membership Coordinator reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Membership Coordinator will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Membership Coordinator works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Membership Coordinator is a 1-year, renewable term.

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APP Liaison

The APP Liaison identifies local APPs interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of APP Liaison is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Practice Manager Liaison

The Practice Manager Liaison is a practice administrator/manager who works to recruit and engage other practice administrators/managers within the chapter. The Practice Manager Liaison works with other chapter officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals and helps plan and promote organized chapter meetings. The role of Practice Manager Liaison is a 1-year, renewable term.

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North Carolina Triangle

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of President-Elect is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 1-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Advisory Board Member

The Advisory Board Member works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Advisory Board Member also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Advisory Board Member is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Pee Dee

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Regional Delegate - Columbia

The Regional Delegate – Columbia attends chapter leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, works with the President to recruit members in their respective region and facilitates local access to quarterly meeting content. The role of Regional Delegate is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Regional Delegate - Myrtle Beach

The Regional Delegate – Myrtle Beach attends chapter leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, works with the President to recruit members in their respective region and facilitates local access to quarterly meeting content. The role of Regional Delegate is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Regional Delegate - Florence

The Regional Delegate – Florence attends chapter leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, works with the President to recruit members in their respective region and facilitates local access to quarterly meeting content. The role of Regional Delegate is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Piedmont Triad

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter, and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans, and other chapter initiatives. The President recruits new leaders, ensures membership recruitment and retention initiatives are in place, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of President-Elect is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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Advisory Board Member

The Advisory Board Member works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Advisory Board Member also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Advisory Board Member is a 2-year, renewable term.

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South Carolina Lowcountry

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter, and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans, and other chapter initiatives. The President recruits new leaders, ensures membership recruitment and retention initiatives are in place, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Academic Chairperson

The Academic Chairperson coordinates with regional training programs to involve residents in chapter activities and meetings, facilitates resident and medical student involvement in regional and national membership and meetings, and assists other executive members in selecting content and identifying speakers for meetings. The role of Academic Chairperson is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Advisory Board Member

The Advisory Board Member works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Advisory Board Member also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Advisory Board Member is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Upstate South Carolina

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the Vice President’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term.The role of Vice President is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President leads board meetings, sets yearly goals in conjunction with the board, ensures meeting lectures and workshops are of high quality and free from bias, solicits chapter membership viewpoints on chapter goals, processes and initiatives, ensures that meeting sites are appropriate per SHM guidelines, and ensures that region sites are represented. The President supports interface with external resources regarding financial support for meetings, along with the Treasurer, ensures meeting announcements reach members and area hospitalists in a timely manner, in conjunction with the Secretary, works closely with the Membership Director and Secretary to satisfy chapter reporting requirements and retain current members and recruit new members/meeting attendees. The President actively posts and participates in discussions on SHM’s HMX Chapter Leader Community, ensures the success of chapter goals, and develops and/or maintains a leadership succession strategy and plan. The role of President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Vice President

The Vice President fulfills the responsibilities of the President when the President is unavailable, actively posts and participates in discussion on SHM’s HMX Chapter Leader Community, and takes point in arranging details of acquiring meeting venues and arranging needs of the meeting at that venue. The role of Vice President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Secretary assists the Membership Director in recruiting, retaining and tracking members, helps determine meeting location sites, prepares the meeting report form after each meeting and assures it is returned to SHM National, and oversees content and updates of the SHM Atlanta Chapter HMX Community. The Secretary’s primary responsibility is arranging Atlanta Chapter Leadership meetings that will take place just before the regular meeting (expected twice per year). The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer stays in contact with SHM National to request updates on chapter activity funds, leads and acts as point person for securing funding for meetings, crafts and maintains strategy for how event sponsors will be utilized, and ensure sponsors are treated fairly. At meetings, the Treasurer will ensure people are meeting the sponsors, is in charge of “door prizes” at meetings and assists the Vice President in arranging details of acquiring venue once chosen and arranging needs of the meeting at that venue. The role of Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Membership Director

The Membership Director keeps track of members, meeting attendees, and hospitalists within the chapter geographical boundaries using the Chapter Leader Portal, identifies new hospitalists and hospital medicine programs within the chapter area and submit this information to SHM National, crafts and implements plans to recruit new meeting attendees, and manages the attendee check-in process at each chapter meeting. The role of Membership Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Outreach Coordinator

The Outreach Coordinator is responsible for outreach to areas on the edges of the Atlanta region or outside of the Atlanta region that might foster collaboration with surrounding communities of hospitalists. The goal of outreach would be to show SHM support to these areas, likely utilizing prior arranged lectures and workshops that could be brought to these areas. The Outreach Coordinator will act as the point person for meetings in assigned regional areas outside of the immediate Atlanta area. The role of Outreach Coordinator is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Technology Director

The Technology Director is responsible for pushing innovations in our approach to serving the region with technology, creates new ways to connect our members within our chapter, and other members outside of our chapter via technology, and consider equipment needs and innovative ways to utilize technology to improve meetings. The role of Technology Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Innovations Chair

The Innovations Chair is responsible for keeping the chapter on track for best chapter health status and chapter excellence awards, helps to create new kinds of events that will help our region’s members, and assists with improving technology of meetings. The role of Innovations Chair is a 2-year, renewable term.

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APP Director

The APP Director recruits APPs from the area in partnership with the Membership Director and leads APP events that would precede the main meeting, in partnership with the board. The role of APP Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The Secretary/Treasurer assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community and assists in determining meeting content. The Secretary/Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors, works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary/Treasurer is a 1-year, renewable term.

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North Florida

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The Secretary/Treasurer assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community and assists in determining meeting content. The Secretary/Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors, works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary/Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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APP Director

The APP Director works to recruit, retain, and engage Advanced Practice Providers within the chapter’s geography. The APP Director helps develop content at chapter meetings that is of value to APPs. The role of APP Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Resident Director

The Resident Director works to recruit, retain, and engage residents within the chapter’s geography. The Resident Director helps develop content at chapter meetings that is of value to residents. The role of Resident Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Regional Delegate - Jacksonville

The Regional Delegate – Jacksonville attends chapter leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, works with the President to recruit members in their respective region and facilitates local access to quarterly meeting content. The role of the Regional Delegate is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Regional Delegate - Gainesville

The Regional Delegate – Gainesville attends chapter leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, works with the President to recruit members in their respective region and facilitates local access to quarterly meeting content. The role of the Regional Delegate is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Southeast Florida

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of President-Elect is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Physician Membership Director

The Physician Membership Director works to recruit, retain, and engage physicians within the chapter’s geography. The Physician Membership Director helps develop content at chapter meetings that is of value to physicians. The role of Physician Membership Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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NP/PA Membership Director

The NP/PA Membership Director works to recruit, retain, and engage physician assistants and nurse practitioners within the chapter’s geography. The NP/PA Membership Director helps develop content at chapter meetings that is of value to nurse practitioners and physician assistants. The role of NP/PA Membership Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Southwest Georgia

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Advisory Board Member

The Advisory Board Member works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Advisory Board Member also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Advisory Board Member is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Tampa Bay Area

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Chapter Officers

Chapter Officers work to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals to ensure the longevity of the chapter. Chapter Officers also coordinate and maintain active communication with other chapter leaders, attend leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person and attend organized chapter meetings. The role of Chapter Officer is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The Vice President is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Diversity Council Director

The Diversity Council Director is responsible for promoting DEI initiatives in the chapter and identifying residents, medical students and early career hospitalists to mentor for future leadership. The Diversity Council Director also promotes DEI initiatives in hospital medicine groups in different hospital systems within the chapter’s geographic area. The Diversity Council Director is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Early Career and Membership Director

The Early Career and Membership Director promotes leadership among early career hospitalists in the chapter and in the hospital systems within the chapter’s geographic area. The Early Career and Membership Director promotes membership and increased participation of hospitalists in the chapter’s activities. The Early Career and Membership Director also works to create mentorship opportunities for professional development of early career hospitalists. The Early Career and Membership Director is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Resident and Medical Student Liaison

The Resident and Medical Student Liaison identifies local residents and students interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of Resident and Medical Student Liaison is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Central Texas

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Chapter Officers

Chapter Officers assist the President and other officers with tasks needed for chapter functions. Chapter Officers will develop specific tasks or goals that interest the officer to forward the mission on SHM and the Central Texas Chapter. The role of Chapter Officer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Vice President of Education and Content Development

The Vice President of Education and Content Development assists the President in determining meeting content and eliciting feedback from chapter members. The Director of Education and Content Development will complete CME documents for pertinent chapter meetings, mentor and supervise the Resident Chapter Liaison, and assist in recruiting, retaining, and tracking members. The Vice President of Education and Content Development will, with the assistance of other officers, formulate and implement plans to recruit new members and meeting attendees. The Vice President of Education and Content Development will report recruitment plans/results to and coordinate recruitment efforts with the SHM National Office. The role of Vice President of Education and Content Development is a 2-year, renewable term.

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North Central Texas

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Membership Director

The Membership Director reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Membership Director will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Membership Director works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Membership Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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South Texas

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter, and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans, and other chapter initiatives. The President recruits new leaders, ensures membership recruitment and retention initiatives are in place, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of President-Elect is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Central Ohio

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The Secretary/Treasurer assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community and assists in determining meeting content. The Secretary/Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors, works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary/Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of President-Elect is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 1-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Membership Coordinator

The Membership Coordinator reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Membership Coordinator will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Membership Coordinator works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Membership Coordinator is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the Vice President’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term.The role of Vice President is a 2-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Director of Membership Development

The Director of Membership Development reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Director of Membership Development will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Director of Membership Development works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Director of Membership Development is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Lake Erie

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 1-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. Along with the Secretary, the Treasurer fulfills the responsibilities of the President and/or President-Elect when he/she is unavailable. The role of Treasurer is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Resident/Student Liaison

The Resident/Student Liaison identifies local residents and students interested in hospital medicine and engages them in the chapter. The role of Resident/Student Liaison is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President shall preside at all Chapter meetings of the members and meetings of the Board officers; shall generally supervise the business of the Chapter; and shall execute documents on behalf of the Chapter. The President shall be an ex-officio member of every Chapter committee. The President shall appoint members of all committees with the approval of the Board. The President shall automatically become Immediate Past President at the end of the term as President. The role of the President is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence and performs other duties as prescribed by the Board Officers or delegated by the President. The President-Elect collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect assists and supports the President as needed and plans for the Presidential year. The President-Elect automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of the President-Elect is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter board and chapter member meetings, assures that appropriate notice is given for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, and performs other duties as prescribed by the board or by the President. The role of the Secretary is a 1-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer reviews and keeps the Board updated regarding the finances of the chapter, issues a report at each chapter meeting and prepares an anticipated budget annually. The role of the Treasurer is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Membership Director

The Membership Director coordinates meeting venues and notices of meetings, when necessary, assists the Board with the growth of the chapter membership and maintains an accurate and updated list of voting and nonvoting members. The role of the Membership Director is a 1-year, renewable term.

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The Member-at-Large works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Member-at-Large also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Member-at-Large is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President-Elect sets leadership meeting agenda in absence of President, helps in setting annual goals, hosts at least one virtual meeting, and presents chapter updates at annual in-person events in absence of President. The President-Elect will advance to role of President after completion of term. The role of President-Elect is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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The Secretary posts leadership meeting minutes on HMX, helps in setting annuals goals, hosts at least one virtual meeting, and plays a role in annual in-person events. The Secretary will advance to Advisory Board role after completion of term. The role of Secretary is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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Director of Communications and Member Engagement

The Director of Communications and Member Engagement develops and implements the Chapter’s communication strategy with existing and prospective members using the Chapter Leader Portal, helps in setting annual goals, hosts at least one virtual meeting, and plays a role in annual in-person events. The Director of Communications and Member Engagement will advance to Advisory Board role after completion of term. The role of Director of Communications and Member Engagement is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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Resident Champion

The Resident Champion engages with and encourages participation of resident physicians in the state of Kansas. This position is open for interns and second year residents. The Kansas Chapter will sponsor Resident Champion to SHM Converge. The role of Resident Champion is a 1-year, non-renewable term.

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Advisory Board

The Advisory Board consists of five members. Each member is responsible for providing input regarding chapter goals and the long-term vision of the chapter and assisting leadership in running chapter affairs when needed. The role of Advisory Board is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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APP Director

The APP Director works to recruit, retain, and engage Advanced Practice Providers within the chapter’s geography. The APP Director helps develop content at chapter meetings that is of value to APPs. The role of APP Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Advisory Board Member

The Advisory Board Member works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Advisory Board Member also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Advisory Board Member is a 2-year, renewable term.

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St. Louis

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, attends chapter leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, collaborates with the President and assists with the coordination of chapter meeting dates, times, and content. The Vice President assists in publicizing chapter events to local hospitalists with assistance from the National Office, assists with poster review and vetting resident poster participation at chapter meetings, and works with other leaders to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals. The Vice President also rotates with other leaders to participate on National Chapter District calls, assists and supports the President as needed and has the opportunity to become President at the end of the term which coincides with the end of the term of the President. The role of the President is a 2-year, renewable term

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The Secretary attends chapter leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person and maintains minutes, attends chapter meetings, manages attendee check-in, and submits the meeting report form in a timely manner after each chapter meeting. The Secretary also posts meeting summary updates and oversees content on the chapter’s online HMX community, works with other leaders to accomplish the chapter’s goals, meeting plans and other chapter initiatives, rotating with other leaders to participate on National Chapter District calls. The role of the Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds and acts as the point person for securing funding for meetings. The Treasurer crafts and maintains strategy for how event sponsors will be utilized and ensures sponsors are treated fairly. The Treasurer also works with other leaders to accomplish chapter’s goals, meeting plans and other chapter initiatives, rotating with other leaders to participate on National Chapter District calls. The role of the Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Membership Director

The Membership Director reviews a database of members, meeting attendees, and prospective member hospitalists within the chapter’s geographical boundaries to, formulate and implement plans to recruit new members and meeting attendees. The Membership Director actively recruits pediatric hospitalists and advanced practice provider participation in the chapter. The Membership Director also works with other leaders to accomplish the chapter’s goals, meeting plans and other chapter initiatives, rotating with other leaders to participate on national chapter district calls. The role of the Membership Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Advanced Practice Clinician Director

The Advanced Practice Clinician Director recruits physician assistants and nurse practitioners from the area in partnership with the Membership Director and helps provide APC events of value at the annual chapter meeting and other offerings in partnership with the leadership team and Board. The Advance Practice Clinician Director also works with other leaders to accomplish chapter’s goals, meeting plans and other chapter initiatives. The role of the Advance Practice Clinician Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Education Chair

The Education Chair is responsible for overseeing the chapter’s annual faculty, resident and student poster competition and connecting with training programs in the regions/state to improve engagement with learners. The Education Chair also works with other leaders to accomplish chapter’s goals, meeting plans and other chapter initiatives. The role of the Education Chair is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Chapter Coordinator

The Chapter Coordinator assists with chapter administrative duties including attending chapter leadership meetings and taking minutes, maintaining the chapter calendar, and assisting with planning chapter meetings. The role of the Chapter Coordinator is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Director of Membership

The Director of Membership reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Director of Membership will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Director of Membership works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Director of Membership is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Member-at-Large works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Member-at-Large also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Member-at-Large is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans and other chapter initiatives. The President also recruits new members for the chapter, attends SHM annual conferences when able and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Director of Membership

The Director of Membership reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Director of Membership will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Director of Membership works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Director of Membership is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Secretary assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary is a 2-year, renewable term.

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New Mexico

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Membership Director

The Membership Director shall assist the Chapter Leadership with growth of the chapter membership and shall perform such other duties as prescribed by the President. The role of Membership Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Membership Director

The Membership Director reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Membership Director will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Membership Director works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Membership Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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APP Director

The APP Director works in partnership with the Membership Director to recruit, retain, and engage Advanced Practice Providers within the chapter’s geography. The APP Director helps develop content at chapter meetings that is of value for APPs. The role of APP Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Oregon/SW Washington

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 1-year, renewable term.

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The Secretary/Treasurer assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community and assists in determining meeting content. The Secretary/Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors, works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary/Treasurer is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Regional Delegate (2)

The Regional Delegate attends chapter leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person, works with the President to recruit members in their respective region and facilitates local access to quarterly meeting content. The role of the Regional Delegate is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Rocky Mountain

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter, and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans, and other chapter initiatives. The President recruits new leaders, ensures membership recruitment and retention initiatives are in place, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Vice President

The Vice President has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance, and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The Vice President will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors and works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings. The Vice President also assists and supports the President as needed. The role of Vice President is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Secretary/Director of Membership

The Secretary/Membership Director assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community, assists in determining meeting content and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The Secretary/Membership Director works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Secretary/Membership director sends out notices of meetings and works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Secretary/Director of Membership is a 1-year, renewable term.

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NP/PA Director of Membership

NP/PA Membership Director works in partnership with the Membership Director to recruit, retain, and engage physician assistants and nurse practitioners within the chapter’s geography. The NP/PA Membership Director helps develop content at chapter meetings that is of value of nurse practitioners and physician assistants. The NP/PA Membership Director must hold the degree of Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant. The role of NP/PA Director of Membership is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Los Angeles

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.

Membership Director

The Membership Director reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Membership Director will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Membership Director works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Membership Director is a 1-year, renewable term.

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San Diego

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of President-Elect is a 2-year, renewable term.

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The Secretary/Treasurer assures that minutes are prepared and maintained for all chapter leadership and chapter member meetings, posts meeting synopses on the chapter’s HMX community and assists in determining meeting content. The Secretary/Treasurer will review and keep the board aware of chapter activity funds, develops relationships with vendors, works with SHM Staff to confirm displays for chapter meetings and fulfills the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. The role of Secretary/Treasurer is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Membership Director

The Membership Director reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Membership Director will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Membership Director works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Membership Director is a 2-year, renewable term.

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San Francisco Bay Area

Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.


The President works with other chapter leaders and members to develop and drive the chapter’s annual goals and strategic plan. The President organizes and presides at all chapter member and chapter leadership meetings, generally supervises the business of the chapter, and guides the leadership to realize the chapter’s goals, meeting plans, and other chapter initiatives. The President recruits new leaders, ensures membership recruitment and retention initiatives are in place, attends SHM annual conferences when able, and attends quarterly chapter leader conference calls. The role of President is a 1-year, renewable term.

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The President-Elect has the power of the President in his/her absence, collaborates with the President to learn the President’s role, becomes familiar with the programs of the chapter and its governance and develops and facilitates officer transitions. The President-Elect also assists and supports the President as needed and automatically becomes the President at the end of the President-Elect’s term, which coincides with the end of the former President’s term. The role of President-Elect is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Director of Membership

The Director of Membership reviews membership lists provided in the Chapter Leader Portal and works with other chapter leaders to recruit, retain, and engage members within the chapter’s geography. The Director of Membership will utilize resources provided to welcome new members, share upcoming meeting information with current and prospective members, and conduct outreach to recently expired members encouraging them to renew. The Director of Membership works with the SHM National Office to maintain an accurate and updated list of members and prospective members. The role of Director of Membership is a 1-year, renewable term.

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Executive Board (multiple)

The Executive Board works with other officers to strategize and execute initiatives to accomplish the chapter’s annual goals, ensuring the longevity of the chapter. The Executive Board also coordinates and maintains active communication with other chapter officers and chapter members, attends leadership meetings held via teleconference or in-person and attends organized chapter meetings. The role of Executive Board is a 2-year, renewable term.

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Review the roles and expectations for current chapter leadership positions below.



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