Society of Hospital Medicine Launches 2020 State of Hospital Medicine Survey
January 06, 2020
About SHM
Representing the fastest growing specialty in modern healthcare, the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) is the leading medical society for hospitalists and their patients.
Participants Needed to Provide Insight into Hospital Medicine Group Configuration and Operations for Resulting Biennial Report
The Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) recently opened the 2020 State of Hospital Medicine (SoHM) Survey and is seeking participants to contribute data about their group to the collective understanding of the state of the specialty. Results from the biennial Survey will be analyzed and compiled into the 2020 SoHM Report to provide the most up-to-date data on hospitalist practice demographics, staffing levels, turnover, staff growth, financial support, and compensation. The Survey is open now through February 16, 2020.
“The data produced from the Survey helps us improve our clinical operations and maximize our financial affordability work,” explains Brian Schroeder, MHA, FACHE, FHM, Assistant Vice President, Hospital & Emergency Medicine at Atrium, Health Medical Group in North Carolina and regular Survey participant. “It also assists in defending staffing decisions and clinical operations change with senior leadership within the organization.”
The 2020 SoHM Survey includes expanded information on nurse practitioner and physician assistant roles in hospital medicine and diversity in hospital medicine physician leadership. Also new this year are specific questions for pediatric hospital medicine groups, which are designed to better capture the unique attributes of these practices.
“SHM has invested in a new, more sophisticated survey platform this year, providing an exciting new capability for multi-site organizations to “re-take” the electronic survey multiple times with fields pre-populated from a previous survey,” explains Leslie Flores, MHA, SFHM, a member of SHM’s Practice Analysis Committee, which is instrumental in developing the Survey and resulting Report. “And we’ve vastly improved the Excel multi-site tool’s functionality for those who prefer that method of data submission.”
The 2020 SoHM Report will be available this fall with a discount for SHM members and in a variety of formats: print only, a bundle of print and digital or digital only. Survey participants receive complimentary access to the digital format of the Report and further discounts on additional copies.
Participation from groups across the nation is crucial to the Report’s relevance and success. For more information and to participate, visit