Comments on CY 2015 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule - September 2.pdf
Comments on CY 2015 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule - September 2 _blank
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Comments on CY 2015 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule - September 2 _blank
SHM signs onto multi-stakeholder letter to the House Ways and Means Committee on policies to address surprise billing and unexpected out-of-pocket costs impacting patients around the country.
Friends of Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) - April 18 _blank
SHM responded to the House Healthcare Innovation Caucus' request for information regarding innovative policy ideas.
MedChoicesEmpAct2017 SHM Support House
MedChoicesEmpAct2017 SHM Support Senate
NeSGR Repeal - Feb 24 _blank
SHM, along with several other medical societies, sent a letter to the US Senate Bipartisan Working Group on Transparency regarding surprise billing proposals and potential unintended consequences
The Reducing Administrative Costs and Burdens in Health Care Act of 2019 (S. 1260) encourages federal and state-level innovation to lower health care costs by reducing excessive administrative
Senate _blank