Displaying 331 - 340 of 8281 results for
5.21.19 Observation Coalition Statment for the Record.pdf
SHM Signs Coalition Letter Urging the House to Include Observation Reform in Surprise Billing Legislation _blank
6.12.19 EC Observation CoalitionStatment fortheHearingRecord.pdf
SHM Joins National Observation Stays Coalition in Submitting Comments on Surprise Billing to House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee _blank
AAFP ACP ACS AMA MGMA joint letter FINAL.pdf
SHM Joins Multi-Stakeholder Letter on COVID-19 Stimulus Relief SHM, alongside dozens of medical societies, has signed a letter urging Congress to include direct financial support for physicians.
AHRQ Approps Request.Conference.House_9.11.18.pdf
Along with other organizations, SHM signs onto support letter to House and Senate requesting AHRQ funding be maintained.
AHRQ Approps Request.Conference_9.11.18.Senate.pdf
Along with other organizations, SHM signs onto support letter to House and Senate requesting AHRQ funding be maintained.
SHM Joins Multi-Stakeholder letter to CMS on the Open Payments Program _blank
Chief Administrative Law Judge Nancy Griswold Here.pdf
SHM Joins the AMA and Other Organizations in a Letter of Concern about the Backlog of Medicare Appeals.pdf _blank